Interview | Chadwick Bishop on Life as a Musician and ‘Transitions’

Posted on: 2016/09/20, by :

Musician and Singer Chadwick Bishop. Photo by SolShock MediaSinger-songwriter and musician, Chadwick Bishop, is as happy as he can be, living his dream and ideal lifestyle as a full-time artist. We featured Chad in our 5 Long Beach Artists You Should Know and highlighted him in a Q&A in 2014. His new album, Transitions, brings joy to his heart and is the center of our conversation about where he is in his life and music.

SolShock: How has your songwriting changed since your first full-length project?

Chad: I think I am writing from a more fun and light place now. The full length was kind of an emotional outpour at times.

SolShock: What do you love most about Transitions?

Chad: I love that I got to collab with some of the coolest cats in LB and surrounding areas from the creative to the marketing side. I am truly blessed.

SolShock: How is life as an artistpreneur, doing what you love full-time?

Chad: My grandaddy used to say, “Life is real, Chad.” Now I know what he meant…life as an artistpreneur is bomb! I had to learn a few quick lessons though. Can’t really sleep late after a show night like I thought. Performing is the fun part. Selling yourself requires a different type of focus. I think I was made for this lifestyle.

SolShock: Who are your ideal tour mates, local and celebrity?

Chad:My ideal tour mates would be a Long Beach City College all-star team! Man… I have met so many talented cats there and in this area that we wouldn’t really need a big name to jump it off. Well…Red and Meth would be cool…just sayin’.

SolShock: Do sociopolitical issues impact your music?

Chad:Trying to find a balance right now. I am in a weird situation, much like social spokesman and Dirty South MC, Killer Mike. My father was a police officer and also a black man. I feel a responsibility to address a lot of issues that are going on in society, but I feel tugged sometimes. I grew up on comedy. I’m glad I am not pursuing it as a career because I might starve to death. One bad joke I might get shot. Whatever happened to the cool old white dude who always told racist jokes that were…actually kinda funny. My take on social issues would probably have a Dave Chapelle or In Living Color flavor to it.

Get Transitions on Bandcamp
SolShock: What do you love about performing live?

Chad: I love the energy from the crowd and to see my band mates happy at the end of the show.

SolShock: What do you look for in a music venue?

Chad: Lights..I am a dark brother so I am not trying to be in the dark…Mood and Vibe…( Would I go there if I weren’t playing there?)…Sound engineer who is on point ALWAYS helps. It’s also good to know where the restroom and exit door are as well.

SolShock: What are the essential tools or resources every up and coming indie artist needs for their career?

Chad: Hustle and flow… ALWAYS think win/win…Associate with bosses in all facets of life. Point Blank!! Depends on what you want..if you want a career then keep improving on your craft to expand.If you just wanna be famous, then go ‘head get the quick money, stay wack, and slide to the side.

Listen and buy ‘Transitions’ online at Bandcamp. or catch Chad at a live show to purchase a hard copy of the album.

Read the LB Post article about this artist.

Follow Chad on Instagram.

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